A Ministry Since 1976 Offering Hope, Healing,
Love, and Peace To Tens Of Thousands
Of People Around The World
Did Jesus come from a UFO?
The Genealogy of Jesus Homily by Fr Richard McAlear, OMI Guardian Angel Catholic Church Brooklyn, NY |
(to replay click bottom left circular arrow)
Welcome to Fr. McAlear's website. We hope that the site itself and the books and recordings
available here will help bring you closer to Jesus and His loving, merciful, healing touch.
available here will help bring you closer to Jesus and His loving, merciful, healing touch.
(to replay click bottom left circular arrow)
Welcome to Fr. McAlear's web site. We hope that the site itself and the books and recordings available here will help bring you closer to Jesus and His loving, merciful, healing touch.
Since 1976, Father Richard McAlear's (OMI) Ministry has been offering hope, healing, love, and peace to tens of thousands of people all around the world. Father’s gifts of teaching and healing are powerful indicators of the healing love of Jesus Christ being poured out on today's world. Over the years, Father has been much in demand as a speaker for retreats, conferences, and seminars for priests, deacons, and other religious associates and conducted healing services, weekend renewal retreats, parish missions, and days of teaching in parishes around the world. Father is no longer traveling, yet his Ministry of Hope & Healing now continues online to bring the blessing of the Holy Spirit and "the Word of God--the Voice of Jesus Christ", to the hearts and minds of many individuals. Those who listen to Father McAlear's teachings are encouraged to seek holiness in life, a stronger faith, and a renewed depth of sincerity in their belief in Christ. Please browse through this website to learn more. Thank you for visiting and may God bless you. |
Forgive God, Forgive Others, Forgive Yourself...
Father has many gifts and his greatest contribution is in his gift of apostolic teaching about God's Mercy and Forgiveness. Father’s charism of love brings Jesus, Who is Love Incarnate, alive to us. We learn from Father about the love of God and His work of redemption. CLICK HERE to learn more...
"We choose life when we choose forgiveness."
~ Fr. Richard McAlear, OMI
~ Fr. Richard McAlear, OMI
Are YOU crazy?Visit Father's Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/frmac2693
Follow Father on X (formerly known as Twitter) at: https://www.x.com/frmac2693 Follow Father on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/frrichardmcalearomiministry Subscribe to Father's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@frmacvideos |
Everyone knows John 3:16 but
what about John 3:17? (to replay click bottom left circular arrow)