BOOKS Written by Fr. Richard McAlear
The books on this page can all be ordered online by simply clicking on any title and then clicking on "Add to Cart" on the detail page for that book and using either your credit card or PayPal account. (If you would prefer to print a hard copy order form to mail with your payment, please click here.) All Books are priced as noted and include shipping and handling within the United States. For shipments outside of the United States, please Contact Us with a special request.

Healing Book - Healing... it's what Jesus came to bring!

Spanish Version - Forgiveness - Book - El Perdon

Seven Biblical Portraits - Book or Audio Book or Both
$12.95 - $20.95
$12.95 - $20.95

Tears - Book

Come Stay Awhile - Book

Speaking From the Heart - Book

Garden of Prayers - Book

Healing Workshop - CD or DVD
$12.00 - $20.00
$12.00 - $20.00

Forgiveness and Mercy - DVD

The Healing Power of the Cross - CD or DVD
$12.00 - $20.00
$12.00 - $20.00

Spirit of Truth - CD or DVD
$12.00 - $20.00
$12.00 - $20.00

Mary - Mother & Disciple of Jesus - CD

Joseph - Husband of Mary & Foster Father of Jesus - CD or DVD
$12.00 - $20.00
$12.00 - $20.00

Baptism In The Spirit - CD or DVD
$12.00 - $20.00
$12.00 - $20.00

We Want to See Jesus - CD or DVD
$12.00 - $20.00
$12.00 - $20.00

Inner Healing - Teaching - Double CD set

Deliverance - Teaching - Double CD set

Love Offering
$3.00 - $50.00
$3.00 - $50.00

Love Offering
$3.00 - $50.00
$3.00 - $50.00

St. Mary Magdalene - CD or DVD
$12.00 - $20.00
$12.00 - $20.00

Test voice recording snippet

Spiritual Warfare and Deceit - Satan Father of Lies - CD

Mary - A Woman of Sorrow - CD